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Early Learning Education: Preschool & ECFE

2025-2026 Registration Begins on March 3, 2025.

Early Childhood Screening: 3-5 years old

March screening dates are now available.

Early Learning Enrichment & Events

Youth Exploration: Grades K-12

Swim Lessons: 1-14 years old

Driver Education: 15-17 years old

Kids' Zone: Proctor

Kids' Zone: Hermantown

Enriching Generations Together: 16+

Engaging Senior Citizens: 55+

Rails Middle Schools Sports: 7-8 Grades

Facility Requests: Proctor & Hermantown Schools


REFUND POLICY:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Your money will be refunded if your class is canceled due to insufficient enrollment.  If you choose to cancel your class registration and to be eligible for a full refund, we need to receive your request no later than 2:00 p.m., three (3) business days before the first day of class.  Please note that a business day is equivalent to a school day. 

When you register for Proctor and Hermantown Community Education classes, you are given permission to be photographed and/or videotaped. We may use the material for promotional reasons only. If you object to using your photo/video, please notify Community Education at or call (218) 628-6293.

Any activity has an inherent risk of illness, accident, or injury.  Each participant is responsible for being aware of the assumed risks involved in participation.  Proctor Public Schools, Hermantown Community Schools, and/or Proctor Hermantown Community Education assumes no responsibility for illness or injuries received during activities.  Any changes in the participants' current health or activity levels should be done under the approval and direction of their physician/health care provider.

NON-ENDORSEMENT POLICY                                                                                                                                                                                                              

Proctor and Hermantown Community Education contracts with specialists in their fields who are interested in presenting classes in their area of expertise to the community. We do not endorse the opinions or business affiliations of the instructors.

CANCELLATION POLICY                                                                                                                                                                        

Community Education reserves the right to withdraw a course due to lack of enrollment or loss of a suitable facility. If we must cancel a class, every effort will be made to contact all the preregistered participants. Please include your email and phone number in your Eleyo, our registration software, account. Email will be used as a primary form of communication for class cancellation. For short-notice cancellations, Community Education will make every effort to send an email, a phone call, or a text message. 

Classes may be canceled due to inclement weather or for other unforeseen reasons. When possible, sessions will be made up. If school closes early or for the day due to bad weather, Community Education will cancel all activities, despite the location. Please check your local media for official school closure notices.

Proctor and Hermantown Community Education
A proud partnership of Proctor Public Schools and Hermantown Community Schools